Changes in the Landscapes in Africa and Philanthropy: Implications for Funders
2013 - PDF - Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group -Retreat Report- The gathering was about changes – in Africa and in philanthropy. Neither has escaped the impact of dramatic shifts globally and locally in response to social, economic, and political trends.
The discussions ranged from “big picture trends” in philanthropy and in Africa to specific changes affecting the field and adaptive responses. Both are important in helping grantmakers to identify and understand relevant trends and leverage the opportunities they present. Understanding change is also a part of the strategic refresh process that AGAG is undertaking so the conversations also informed our thinking about how to make our focus laser-sharp so that we can achieve “outsized” impact with our resources. As a network AGAG has the advantage of flexibility that allows us to proactively respond to the dynamism of philanthropy and Africa and help grantmakers to make informed and strategic decisions.
For more than a decade grantmakers funding in Africa have come together to celebrate both the challenges and opportunities to invest in positive social change. As a forum AGAG has never been more important to philanthropy’s efforts to address the challenges and promise on the African continent. We believe that the changes in the landscapes in Africa and in philanthropy make now an important and exciting time to be engaged in this work. The report captures only a small part of the rich discussions but it does offer a flavor of the range of conversations and the ideas that emerged.
Full download available - Changes in Landscapes in Africa & Philanthropy