Funding for Health in Africa: Mapping the U.S. Foundation Landscape

2000-2002 - PDF - This overview of funding by foundations based in the United States for health-related activities in Africa for the three-year period from 2000 through 2002. We selected this period in order to cast a wide enough net to both include as many foundations as possible and to capture an profile of health funding throughout the continent. The report describes funding to countries and regions in Africa, and it examines the amount of funding and the number of grants for seven general health categories and eight general funding areas.

Sections II and III respectively summarize and introduce this report. Section IV analyzes the funding by foundations that do not regularly fund in Africa but did so during the period covered by the report.

Section V analyzes the funding by foundations that make grants to Africa as part of their regular program focus. Section VI gives general information about funding by several bilateral and multilateral donors (the United States Agency for International Development, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Bank, and the Global Fund for AIDS) because of their significant role in supporting health initiatives in Africa. However, given the scope and intent of this report, which is to provide an overview of health funding in Africa by foundations in the United States, we did not include financial information about these bilateral and multilateral organizations.

The report is not intended to be an all-inclusive picture of all U.S. foundation funding in Africa but rather to provide an overview and to serve as a resource for funders already supporting health in Africa, funders interested in becoming involved in supporting health and health-related activities in Africa, and other stakeholders.

Full download available - Funding for Health in Africa 2000-2002 Report