Poverty in a Rising Africa

2015 - PDF - Poverty in a Rising Africa discusses the data challenges faced when measuring poverty and inequality in Africa. The report also systematically reviews the measures of poverty and inequality in both monetary and non-monetary dimensions.

Major points discussed in the report include:

  1. How measuring poverty in Africa remains a challenge

  2. Poverty in Africa may be lower than current estimates suggest, but more people are poor today than in 1990

  3. Non-monetary dimensions of poverty have been improving

  4. Inequality in Africa has many dimensions.

While many findings are encouraging, many challenges remain.

“The main messages which emerge from this effort to assess poverty in Africa are both encouraging and sobering,” said Kathleen Beegle, World Bank program leader and co-author of the report. “Although the data show that the share of the African population in extreme poverty did decline, major poverty challenges still remain, especially in light of the region’s rapid population growth.”

Full download of the report - Poverty in a Rising Africa