2023 New York Convening:
”Celebrating Our Legacy”
Audience Profile and Feedback

Read Highlights from the 2023 New York Convening Meet the Speakers Review the Agenda

The 2023 New York Convening attracted representatives from 35 grantmaking, philanthropy, and international organizations. Although the majority attending were from the United States, there were also representatives from organizations based in Botswana, Liberia, South Africa, and Uganda. For over half, this was their first time attending an AGAG meeting. The diverse profile of the attendees reflected AGAG’s tradition of attracting new and experienced philanthropic leaders and practitioners working in different geographic and thematic areas. There are few other forums where they can come together and examine their efforts in relationship to each other and within a broader geographic context.

Following the two-day event we surveyed everyone who attended about their experience. The response rate of 75% reflected the high engagement and enthusiasm for the event. The following is a summary of the results and excerpts from their comments.

Feedback about their experience

The location was perfect, the energy and vibe were conducive to networking and meeting colleagues. The # of people was enough to meet all without feeling overwhelmed.
— attendee feedback
What I liked most about the 2023 Convening was the simple, welcoming, and inclusive way the space was designed to facilitate connections among participants, open discussions on strategic and sensitive issues, and sharing of learnings from AGAG’s 20 years of existence as well as its carefully planned exit strategy.
— attendee feedback
The AGAG community is unique. Colleagues share openly and candidly in the spirit of shared learning for improved outcomes for all.
— Attendee feedback


Why the Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group?

We believe that a strong network of informed and connected funders is a necessary ingredient for robust, effective and responsive philanthropy to benefit African communities.


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