Changes In Asset Management: The Impact of Funding Women’s Community Organizations in Senegal
2015 - PDF - In 2013, the New Field Foundation conducted a participatory study to examine the changes that occurred for women’s community organizations receiving community grants. This showed increased food security, improved livelihoods, increased status of women, and greater access to health care and education for rural women and their families. It also showed that, because of the grants, many of the women’s community organizations acquired agricultural equipment, increased their revenues, and attracted funding from other sources.
In short, rural women are capable of creating change when they work together and leverage resources that take account of their cultural context.
Some other key findings:
Women’s community organizations tend to be highly motivated, but often lack the resources and technical expertise needed to achieve their goals.
When given the opportunity to design their own program and build their assets, women’s community organizations are successful in identifying the resources and trainings that are needed to succeed.
The process of applying for and managing their own grant funds, combined with organizational and financial training, enables women’s community organizations to increase their assets, enhance their members’ income, and advocate for a range of rights and resources.
By placing trust in women’s community organizations to implement their own projects, funders not only contribute to development efforts but also empower the women themselves. Part of this empowerment is the ability to acquire and manage their own resources, to build their assets, and increase their revenues.
Full study available for download - Changes in Asset Management: The Impact of Funding Women’s Community Organizations in Senegal