Changes in Family Health and Education: The Effects of Funding Women’s Community Organizations in Senegal

2014 - PDF - In order to understand the extent of the changes created by rural women and their organizations as a result of the community grants, a participatory study was carried out by World Education Senegal. 

The study involved 379 rural women, 35 women’s organizations receiving community grants, and two evaluation consultants. Central to the process were 15 rural women whom World Education Senegal selected to be trained as journalists, proficient in conducting interviews, taking photographs and producing audio broadcasts for local radio stations. With support from media professionals and coordination by 24 rural women, they carried out interviews and surveys, compiled 30 reports and produced 41 radio programs. World Education Senegal synthesized the information and carried out focus groups with the women’s community organizations to corroborate the findings.

The evaluation showed that when women’s community organizations are given grants averaging $5000 a year for at least two years, the wellbeing and economic stability of participating rural women, and their families, significantly improve. The groups’ activities enabled members to improve the quality and quantity of food for their households, increase their income, provide children with better access to education and enable greater access to health care. Women’s community organizations are effective agents of change when they have the authority to manage grants and set their own priorities.

Full study available for download - Changes In Family Health & Education: The Effects of Funding Women’s Community Organizations in Senegal