Conversations With Africa Grantmakers: Reflections on Navigating Roles and Relationships presents snapshots from conversations with 17 grantmakers. They discuss their career paths, how they perceive their roles, and their perspectives on the grantmaking process.
Read MoreFunders targeting support to benefit communities in Africa represent a diverse set of grantmakers targeting a broad array of priorities, according to a new report from Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group (AGAG). In fact, more than half of the survey respondents provide support for two or more issue areas, specified populations, and/or countries or regions.
Read MoreThis report by the MasterCard Foundation is a review of its Economic Opportunities for Youth programs reveals instructive examples of how holistic approaches can be designed and implemented in Sub-Saharan Africa and highlights themes, principles and points of evidence that can help further guide practices in this field.
Read MoreThis discussion paper focuses in particular on rural women, who make up a quarter of the world’s population and who are primary stakeholders in the fate of the planet.
Read MoreThis report examines changes in funding over a decade and provides a detailed portrait of giving in 2012.
Read MoreThis paper was commissioned by the Africa Grantmakers’ Affinity Group as a background paper for our strategic planning process. It highlights key trends in American philanthropy and implications for funders interested in Africa.
Read MoreThis report outlines the pilot grant making phase of the foundation where the public was able to nominate via open call 12 peer grant reviewers from six African countries.
Read MoreThis report covers the three overarching issues facing funders supporting organizations in Africa which were explored during the 2011 AGAG Retreat.
Read MoreThis report by African Grantmakers Network was created to provide information about the extent and nature of the field of African philanthropy.
Read MorePoverty in a Rising Africa discusses the data challenges faced when measuring poverty and inequality in Africa. The report also systematically reviews the measures of poverty and inequality in both monetary and non-monetary dimensions.
Read MoreThis report acknowledges the dire situation in the province with regard to healthcare. It discusses each of the above findings and offers key recommendations for reform to ensure users of the public healthcare system can access quality services.
Read MoreThe findings and recommendations from this study AGAG conducted to explore attitudes and opinions about funding national non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Africa directly or indirectly through intermediary organizations.
Read MoreThis summary report provides only a “flavor” of the topics and ideas that emerged from the main plenary sessions of the AGAG 2010 Retreat.
Read MoreListening to Youth: Market Research to Design Financial and Non-financial Services for Youth in Sub-Sahara Africa is a report about YouthStart, initiative of the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and supported by funding from MasterCard Foundation.
Read MoreThis report features a summary of three sessions from the 2014 Annual Conference organized by members of AGAG on funding approaches and strategies in funding women, youth and environment projects.
Read MoreIn February 2006, when a 13 year-old Zambian school girl was raped by her teacher, the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa (the Protocol) was one of the tools that facilitated justice. This 2013 publication commemorates the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa with a series of essays that address the question of, 10 years after the Protocol’s adoption, are African women better off?
Read MoreThis publication traces the evolution of New Field Foundation’s efforts to support peace and vibrant rural communities in southern Senegal as it emerged from twenty years of conflict.
Read MoreThe Honest Accounts 2017: How the World Profits from Africa’s Wealth report is published by the Jubilee Debt Campaign, a global movement working to break the chains of debt. Overall, this study indicates that much more wealth is leaving Africa than actually entering it.
Read MoreThe NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NEPAD Agency) has collaborated with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Regional Strategic Analysis Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS), Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe in launching the Global Hunger Index (GHI): Africa Report.
Read MoreThis fundraising guide originated from the desire to help grassroots organizations struggling to raise enough money to be able to meet their needs.
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